Monday, May 12, 2008

What I saw up close on May 12

I don't think I can get a good picture of my comforter since that usually if the first thing I see close up, so the next most interesting thing I saw this morning was my cup of Latte:
Latte This was Sonic's version of a Latte...not the best I've had, probably won't have it again, but it made a nice pic.

After work, I went out to the lake to see if I could find some intersting shots.

I don't know when all these little flowers started appearing out there, but I don't remember them from the previous spring seasons.


Yellow flowers in any species are my favorite color flower:

As I was leaving, I noticed this Big Eyed little fellow....I think I'll name him Greg. He's a litlle bitty thing...only about 3/4" of an inch long.
Big Eyed Bug
I had a hard time getting him separated from the background. Then I got to close and bumped him with the lens. Guess I got into his personal space...he took off in a hurry.

And for the mystery of the day...what the heck are cacti doing growing at the lake in the Middle of TN?
There were about 20 small cactus plants growing off one of the path in a shaded area. Interesting find.

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